Thursday, April 28, 2011


Written on September 24, 2006

Ever had an experience of falling apart? A situation where everybody's eyes are looking downside at you. You have never done anything wrong at their side and one wrong move made a very big mistake to them. Ever had the situation of being persecuted?

I guess everybody encounters this kind of situation. A situation wherein you don't do know what to do if you have gone into doing something wrong which is not that big compared to someone who is used to doing that kind of thing. It may not be a big mistake but for the eyes of someone who is not used to see you doing that kind of thing, it will be very controversial to them.

Well of course I know you are hurt when someone persecuted you. We all have feelings to be hurt and we have no choice but to hide that pain in ourselves so that nobody will recognize how painful it is to you. We are hiding our feeling of being hurt and we let people perceive us a strong one.

We are all not perfect. As Christians, we are obliged to do good at the sight of the people and of course at the sight of God but sometimes in our human being, we do commit mistakes and be drawn in doing sins. We must imitate the works of Christ here on Earth. We must live a Christ-like image. We must be a reflector of Jesus Christ. But then, in our own selfish desire, sometimes we do commit sins and it will not be pleasing at the sight of God. And when we commit sins, people around us will easily notice it and they will mock at us… they will say something bad for us….they will persecute us. But one thing that makes us different from non-Christians.

It’s the ability to have the nature of asking forgiveness every time we commit sins. It’s like, we cannot sleep the whole night without asking forgiveness from our Father. All we have to do is to prepare our hearts in asking forgiveness….make it pure and pleasing to God. You know what? The greatest thing for that situation is that God is always ready to forgive us. He just wants us to ask for it, repent and turn away from the wrong thing that you’ve done. And in an instant, you are already forgiven! It’s because Jesus Christ paid all our sins in the Mount of Calvary two thousand years ago. The sins that we’ve done, the sin that we are doing and the sins that we are about to do. All those sins are already forgiven because of the blood of Jesus Christ. What a great Love! Our God really deserves to be praised.

So, when someone mock at you… said something bad about you. Don’t be sad.. instead be happy because that someone notices how Jesus Christ lives in you. And make him realized that even though you have committed a sin, Jesus Christ could still be able to cleanse it…. Because God loves you so much. And you will not let the Devil conquer you instead you will conquer evil by the power of God that lives in you.

"I don’t care if they curse me, as long as You bless me.”
Psalm 109:28

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