Friday, January 11, 2008

What Matters to Me

Well, what can I say? I have a new blog. Actually, I should not put some entries here that will tackle my everyday experiences. But this is my passion. And I am happy to share my experience but I still have limitations which only God and I understand.

What I want to share here are the most significant situations of my life that really matter to me.

Before you explore my blog. I can say that it is different from other blogs. In this, I will not write every bit of my everyday life (have I already mentioned that?) In this, I will answer some important questions that I’ve learned from my everyday experiences. Those answers, I hope will help you to know more about my personality. To know the real Ivee.

So, welcome to my blog.

It really does matter to me. I hope it also matters to you.

God bless you!

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